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Water Storage

In North Canterbury, most catchment’s A class water shares are fully, or very close to fully allocated. If you want to increase the productivity of your farm by irrigating, then water storage is a necessity.

Water can be harvested from runoff, springs and streams on the farm or nearby river systems, collected and stored during the winter months and used during the irrigation season. Our team of experts offer full service solutions from system design, to irrigation and water storage build, and management of the entire consent and process in-between.

To get the ball rolling contact us for an obligation free chat about how we can help. We'll run through your project requirements and work with you to develop the best Water Storage strategy for your farm or property.

In addition to providing top of the range Water Storage guidance and solutions, Mt. Lyford Contracting can also help with dry stock farms, effluent and sewage; trenching and pipe laying system design; supply and installation; and tree removal, making Mt. Lyford Contracting a one-stop-shop for all your project needs.

Want to enhance or upgrade the Water Storage capacity on your farm? Talk to us!

If you're interested in Water Storage solutions, we'd love to hear from you. To discuss your plans, call us on(03) 315 6411 or get in touch via this form.